View Profile Ultratonic

10 Audio Reviews

9 w/ Responses

Oh my goodness...I want to cry...

Wow...wow man. Incredibly impressive. Much of my piano work doesn't even compare to the drama shown in this baby. Seriously, this is a phenomenal and wonderfully sorrowful piece.

Positives are overwhelming. Love, love, love, love, love, that's five loves, the dynamics. Your dynamics essentially make all of your songs. Just marvelous. Also, I love how you pick i up a bit around 31 seconds which adds a lot of character to your song and then slowing it back down...wow. Agree, agree, agree with Lord Vehemence on bass. The bass complements the song very well. Not overpowering and very strong with the strings. Like the story you wrote down as well.

Now the few nit picking negatives. You have an excellent talent for dynamics. I would love to see it used in some more varied work! It seems most of the songs I have listened to have been slower sadder songs. Also, a higher strings counter melody would be a wonder to hear near the middle where the piano is going much crazier.

But, that's beating around the bush man. Overall, terrific. I am crying tears of joy for this masterpiece of loop. ='D

BlazingDragon responds:

That is a lot of love in the dynamics department! :O I'm ecstatic to find that there is actually a person who notices such subtleties. The bass was probably my favorite part to compose on this song, as it added a whole new character to the piece. Glad to know you liked that, and thank you for the compliment on the story! I've always considered myself more so a musician than a writer, but I love to write here and there.

I agree that I need to vary my work. I've composed sad songs for so long that I have a difficult time breaking the mold. With more "happy" songs, I have a hard time coming up with anything that isn't overly cliché. I'm working on more upbeat songs, though. I like the idea of using a strings countermelody! I first need to find decent free string samples. The one I used is slower and unfit for melodic lines. :(

Thank you for the awesome review! It is very inspiring to get reviews like this.


Hell Yea, Aqua Planet!!

Alright man!! I love sonic covers of all shapes and sizes, sonic is the shit dude. So good pick. And your melody work was excellent. Love the strings jammin' out up there so good work with that. I also really like the jazzy feel, haha! So good work addin' that in as well, very impressive.

But, there were a few problems for me. One is your drum loop is never changing, I'd say work on changing with the different themes of the song. And it doesn't have to change that much, just a little bit. You've gotta keep the interest in your drums or else you've gotta turn 'em down. I'd say turn the drums hit rate down all together, they seem to overpower a little bit. Also, you should throw a strong acoustic jazz bass in here. Now then you'd be going somewhere. That would make this an excellent jazzy cover of Sonic!!

Good idea man, can't wait to hear your next work. =)

BowserThedestructive responds:

um sorry but it cannot it is of the orignal song drums and the drums are not loops they are from real drums sampled through being the same notes of the orignal
I do not change the orignals that much EXCEPT for being i reinstrumentize them

Koji, you are legend in my book.

Man, the simplicity of this combined with the catchy melodies and a powerful percussion part is a testament to true genius. Very, very well done Koji. You have outdone yourself with this piece. =) You've really created a happy mystery feel of trudging through an almost magical, unknown, but not scary world.

So, I love the new melody. Love it. And I really like how you transition to it, it adds a lot to the whole piece. The countermelody is great too except for just about a few notes. I love the mystery sound it gives to it, but at times it sounds a bit too dissonant for it's own good, but you are talking to a great fan of dissonance here, and overall I very, very much like it. I also think you may have wanted to change your drum part up just a bit under the new melody, but it still sounds great.

All in all excellent job! Extremely impressive and I would love to check out your visual novel when you are finished. =) Also, what are the instruments you use when you created this? Like what programs?

Incredible work! =)

Koji98 responds:

I use FL Studio and a VST called EDITROL Orchestra or EDIROL Orchestra, I forget, but something on those lines. I got it from a friend of mine, so I'm not too sure where to find it. Maybe isohunt or another torrent site.

Impressive!! RPG music baby!

Haha, reminds me of the good old days with Legend of Legaia! I seriously really, really enjoy this song, it may not be epic but makes up for it by being just plain invigorating. This song makes me want to go questing. I don't know if I would move on to anything symphony, it seems you could make a living just off background music like this.

Alright so if I haven't made myself clear, I love it. My problems? Here goes:

I would really like to see it go some place. You seem to be stuck a little man. Love, the theme you have going here, but it gets a bit repetitious and then it just ends! I really want to see this go some place, that would make me very happy. Seriously love the theme you have going though.

My only other thing is you may make use of some woodwinds or brass. Your strings and percussion go awesome together, but even if you do not have good midi instruments, it would be awesome to hear a horn, a flute, or a clarinet in here. But, only after you opened with this theme.

In the end man, I see as what could be an excellent song as opposed to the loop you made. As a loop it's wonderful. As a song, it could be incredible. Maybe not even a song, but if you added on some string variation, you may see a 9 or 10 come your way from me. Really, man I love it, it's only personal preference holding me back.

On count I have listened to about twenty times now. Haha, it makes me want to go an adventure! =)

Koji98 responds:

I'll mess with it some more and maybe put up a version 2 sometime like with another piece of music I made. I don't really plan on making it into a song really (as the intention was some quick BGM I needed for my project), but I could maybe add a different melody, and believe me I did go through woodwinds and brass trying different melodies, each coming up short until I said fuck it and finished the percussion.


Dude, really, really nice!! Sounds really good. You've got something really awesome going here man. Very dramatic, and very sweet. If I'd have to complain about anything, it's that all your instruments sound synthesized, but hey that's electronic music. The only other thing I can say is that I would love to see it go into some big epic chorus, but hey it's a loop. All in all man, I have very little bad to say about this, and most of the bad I have is just pickin' around the bush. Excellent work. Really, really excellent work. I especially love the pirate fell to it. First 9/10 I have ever given out, excellent, excellent. =D

WritersBlock responds:

Wow, thanks for the compliments! Yeah, I would've liked to take this into a real epic chorus, but I've got plans with this soundtrack to reiterate the themes throughout the movie, so who knows, maybe I'll have this in "epic chorus" format somewhere in the movie.
Cheers, man!

Haha, ballin'! But, too long.

Dude, this is sweet! Really, this is upbeat, cool, and would be perfect for an animation or even a little scene of a movie. Hell, I may even use it.

But, here are your problems that stop you from being near perfect or perfect and just a heads up, I have yet to give out a perfect:

Very, very video game-y. While this is good at times, I feel this belongs in a Sonic game level and is not an all around useful hit. But, hey if that's what you were aiming for, awesome. And don't move it to the classical section. It's not classical. Yet is is still good.

Now being video game-y is rarely a turn-off for me, except that this is very repetitious for every different part. You may want to make it shorter and cut the crazy repeating, even though each section of the song is legendary. The repeats are just too many and if it clocked in somewhere in the three minutes, I would be giving you a nine.

Other than that, excellent work. Catch ya later!

Kweaks responds:


What I meant by saying "into the classical section" is that I'm going to switch to making classical works.

Nice, beefy, long review! These are the ones I need.

Beginning shines, middle doesn't, end excellent!

Woo-hoo! Wow, wee those strings with the drums! Original and invigorating. Really, really like it. And then your next step I like to, bringing the other strings in below the the first strings. But when you hit the pizzacato with piano, you start losing me.

The piano seems to change the mood of the piece and not in a good way. It just seems out of place, too quick of a change. You might want to try keeping the strings in over the piano and a momentary fade out, or keep them the whole time but subdue them. But, then you retake the game with the drums under the piano. After the drums, your piano riffs amaze me. Like, man, they are just so upbeat and right where they need to be.

Basically, I really like the beginning and really like the end, but your mid and transition phrases could be a lot better. Ideally, more strings and more drums, especially once piano comes in.

My one last complaint is that, if you can, try throwing some real instruments in there. Just one would make a world of difference. But, hey, I'm not reducing any points for that, I know you don't have an orchestra in your backyard. =P

Wonderful work. With a little more work on your middle section, you could create a beautiful and flowing piece. =)

lin001 responds:

well thanks, but your right this song could do a lot better so a.k.a think of the potential so thanks for that review. i kinda do agree about the whole middle part and then the piano coming to quikly, but my friends say they dont like too much drums with the piano but whetever thks for the review .... also would you mind telling me what you think of Super 80's Tec Mix? its my other song so if maybe you could right a review or something that would really help thanks

Catchy, but starts to die at the end.

First things first, you should not be in the 2 our of 5's for your score. There's some asshole right now going around and giving everyone zero's, I've seen a sharp decrease in scores. Don't feel bad you've got a sweet little diddy here. A 4/5 from me.

So, here's the thing. Love, love the crazy piano in the beginning, I'm gonna have to disagree with SRT-M1tch. It was sweet, I think the way you did it was just too kool. But, it started to become cliché techno at the end and I didn't like that. But your melody was really good. Try to find somethine original to bring up the mood at the end cause the mood at the beginning...wow. Good work man, keep it up.

O-k, you're getting there...

Alright man so you've got a composing talent. Now you've gotta work out how you're gonna use that talent. I feel like I've heard songs that sound like this before, and that's because your just using the very basics of your motif. Trying taking your motif, which is very kool by the way, and transpose it, or play it with a slightly altered rhythm, that should add some zest. Also, try working out a new, varied bass line and some entirely different, probably short, phrases to throw in between your motif driven sections.

Overall you seem to possess a talent for creation of great themes. Work on manipulating them and your next piece will shine. Good luck, my friend.

surtur responds:

Thank you for the helpful post.

Kool idea goin' here!

Hey man! You got a kool idea goin' here I really think you could build on this. Really, really like the work you've done so far, but it sounds like your bass could be better at some parts and some of your phrase changes are a little messy. But, overall really kool idea, if you fix it up a little you've got a winner here I think.

alternativesolution responds:

Hey thanks, bro.
Yeah, my bass is a little messy at a couple parts, I'm hopin to fix that up.
Thanks again for the input, I appreciate it. Really helped :)

Somewhere in the dark zone between leading tone and tonic you will find Ultratonic. The moonlight and dark side of the performer Pauli the Third, he is here to bring you the best his wonderful laptop can, maybe even in German. Be prepared.

Age 35, Male



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